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I had fun– is there an ending you can reach?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a defined ending. The mushroom order cycles eventually repeat, and as you evolve, the gameplay becomes easier over time. Since this project was made for a game jam, I didn’t have the chance to add more difficulty levels or extend the gameplay, as the goal was to create a short and fun experience within the deadline.

Thanks for playing my game! 😄

Solid base. Needs alot of work, but its pretty good gamejam game.

thanks! 😃

aint no way bro why i gotta reload a sword😭😭😭😭

The reload time of the sword would increase slightly to add a bit more challenge, but there would also be an upgrade available to reduce this reload time.

Additionally, the sword's range would be increased to cover a larger area.

This can still be implemented if you wish. Thank you very much for the feedback!


This game deadass gave me fcking epelipsy ong bro😭😭😭😭😭

Very very nice!! A beautiful and polished game. Mousy menu but it's ok ;) My  main suggestion would be to lower the prices or raise the gains. After all, it's a small jam game and people won't play it for hours. Cheaper upgrades, and/or some different mushrooms giving more money would be nice.

There could be for example a blue mushroom moving a little faster (or slowing) and giving 2 coins. And most upgrades would benefit from a 50% discount I think!! This way, more people would play long enough to see everything you coded with care and love :)

In any case, great game, congratulations!!